This was pretty impressive, shot just before Christmas. In the ME London hotel they've projected snowflakes floating down the Atrium walls, along with messages that can be sent by Twitter.
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Sarah Medway
I recently had the opportunity to photograph the painter Sarah Medway at her Hoxton studio.
Murray Walker
Murray Walker, the voice of Formula 1 racing since as long as I can remember. At 91 his passion for cars and anything with an engine hasn't diminished a bit.
Just one more time..
I'm pleased with the finished artwork from this shoot for Telenor. All credit due to the design geniuses at Pajama Consulting. A fun few days asking bikers and skaters to repeat their tricks ad infinitum...
Shooting at -26º
It may not look cold but this warehouse in Rainham was -26ºC, making it the coldest place I've every shot. A full 6º colder than at 5000m in the Himalayas. At first it's bearable but the cold slowly creeps in and within minutes my hands were useless stumps. The batteries of lights, camera, triggers etc drained in minutes and cables became frozen stiff. Quite a strange experience and we were relieved to get out into the balmy November air. It took us hours to warm back up again, unlike Chris here who's clearly made of sterner stuff.
London Library
A great night at the London library, with special mention deserved for Grayson Perry in his amazing dress.
Tom Stoppard also characteristically dapper.
Congratulations to Stuart Proffitt, winner of this year's Life in Literature Award.
International Dog Day
It was actually yesterday but I had to post these. Shot today at a police dog training centre on the outskirts of Luton.
How much did this dog want to kill me..
A few from Montenegro
A bit of a random set but I'm pleased with these, for different reasons. The bus station shot looks a little Philip-Lorca diCorcia-esque.. at least I like to think so.
Balkan faces
Mostar and Sarajevo
It's beyond belief what happened here. Years of siege in cities much like any other in Europe. Bombed out buildings and shrapnel-scarred walls bear testimony to the horror. The apartment building below, in Mostar, became a bunker for the Bosnian forces while the Serbs took up a position on the other side of the street and the two shot at each for two years. Recently some of the residents have returned and refurbished their homes while the flats around them lie empty and ruined. The bottom photo is the The Martyrs' Memorial Cemetery in Sarajevo.
Some good advice from Slovenia
T-shirts of Croatia
Zagreb walls
Away from the coast and the package tourists (the population of Dubrovnik can double when a cruise ship docks) Zagreb feels like a working city and is infinitely more interesting because of it. The place ticks along to it's own rhythm and couldn't really care if we were there or not.
The walls are layered with posters, artwork and graffiti and give the place a texture that I missed in the tidier parts.
Snapshots of the Balkans
A few shots from from my whistle-stop tour of the Western Balkans. If nothing else, I can now identify the countries on a map...
Festival dog
Hendrix and owner
Madrid galleries
A few shots from last week for Sunday Times. I had a great time strolling around the galleries or, in the case of El Prado, running to maximise my 30 minute slot. I needed to be accompanied the whole time as the security guards there are armed and shoot photographers on sight. Many thanks to Eloisa at who runs very educational art tours and knows everyone.
Chelsea Flower Show 2014
A few shots from this years flower festival, my first. Congratulations to Tommaso and Paul for winning gold with the Telegraph Garden!
Churchillian dog of the week
Brighton Foodie Festival 2014
These from the weekend at Foodie Fest.
Nepalese Mothers Day
I found these from this time last year at the Matatirtha Temple, Kathmandu. It's currently 2071 in Nepal.